Medical Software
Types of medical software
Medical software is very useful for any healthcare practice.
The following is a list of available medical software. Please scroll down to find the software type that you need.
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) or FDA National Drug Codes (NDC) viewer software
- 3D mesh software.
- Billing software.
- Patient records keeping software or electronic medical record (EMR) (Software keep track of
patient medical information and manages appointments).
- Images storing and processing software to accurately analyze, import, and export
precision digital images
- Medical organizer software.
- Software driving tools like automatic injections units.
- Medical terms dictionaries software.
- Medical language translators from/to different languages.
- Medical and clinical process management software.
- Medical PDA Software.
- Software for Clinical Laboratory.
- Educational medical software.
- OpenSource Medical Software. (Free medical software).
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Software.
- Risk Calculator Software (assessment of the patient's current risk as function of
different values factors).
- Diagnosis help software.
- Clinical Laboratory Automation Software handling.
- Easy Appointment Scheduling Software.
- Special software for statistics.
- Software that helps schedule nurses to work at several hospitals.
Special medical software allows you to track of Practice Management, Medical Billing, Electronic Claims, Appointment Scheduling,
Electronic Medical Records, Medical Insurance, Emergency contacts,
Allergies, Illnesses, Surgeries, Medications, Vaccinations, Tests and calculators , Prescription tracking, Blood type, Blood
Pressure , weight, Glucose, Family medical history, Organ
donor, Vitamins and supplement types tracking
free medical software for individual users:
Recipe Manager - Your Cooking Companion! (Freeware)
Recipe management System, Nutrient analysis.
A free and easy-to-use Recipe Database Management System to assist you in organizing
your recipes and help you in analysing the nutritional values of your meals.
It contains large database of ingredients and their nutrient values
(over 100 nutrient, micronutrient, mineral and vitamin).
This Software is ideal for any person concern about their health or involve in
Fitness, diet and Nutrition.
How can you choose the best medical software that you need?
When looking for a medical software, get as much advice as you can.
- Define requirements for medical software you need.
- Search for free and open GNU software for Windows or Linux.
- Deal only with reputable resources like and
- Check user rating and forums, read appropriate newsgroups and read some reviews before downloading.
- Evaluate software capabilities and system requirements before downloading.
- Download medical software and run antivirus.
- Create a restore point on Windows (Go to Start – Programs – Accessories – System Tools – System Restore) before installation.
- Read license agreement (some applications have only one month free use).
- It can be useful to visit developer's site (Go to tools vendors' site) if you plan to use this software for the long period of time.
Find a list of free medical software
free medical software
- And remember that free medical software is still the best!
[DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that downloading and installing
this software is at your own RISK. We are not responsible
for any damage or viruses you might get from using
this software.]
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